servies;173285 Wrote: 
> That only shows that you really don't get it.
> The AAE is (roughly seen) just a cable between your computers audio
> outputs and your HIFI's inputs. It has no control over the iTunes
> application, therefore I need the computer on which iTunes is running
> to be within reach...
> Guess what... with the squeezebox and slimserver I don't...
> The following would not exist if an AAE used the same logic as the
> squeezebox.

It never came to your mind that if "I (we) do not get it" is because
you might be too techy, some kind of a nervous geek jumping on the back
of non-techies. I don't give a damn wehter the system is pushing data to
the client or the client is pulling from the server. Who does except
people like you interested in such details. I am looking for
simplicity, efficency, user friendship, correct response times (might
have several others...). 
I think you miss my point. Of course SD has great devices, I own myself
2 SB3. But the SS has too much lacks when your CDtheque is growing.
YOu're not able to use the webinterface anymore and therefore stuck to
remote control (which is good but not the more practical  have seen
(press 3times the button for o)). 
I am not a apple fan but I love the coverflow feature. I wish it could
be integrated into SS but repsonse times would be even slower.
To finish on a more generic point of view, your attitude is why I do
not post on forums. YOU know, the others DON'T, thanks for your

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