bergek;173422 Wrote: 
> The home server is quite different from a desktop computer. 
> In my world a desktop computer at home is the computer most people
> would see as "the computer". I don't know about you but I have yet to
> experience a desktop computer with a performance that I can live with
> that is quiet. Also they tend to draw a lot of power. Hence, the
> desktop computer is usually offline. Running a 3GHz+ computer in order
> to shuffle 1Mbps of data over the network also seems like a complete
> waste of CPU.
> The home server is totally different. It's a computer that is on all
> the time. Doesn't draw much power and therefore doesn't require any
> fans. Personally I have two mini-itx computers, running Ubuntu Linux
> and ClarkConnect respectively. 
> A lot of people are getting NAS boxes, not specifically for Slimserver
> but because it makes sense to store data on a home network. Much of the
> recommendations in these forums makes suggestions about all-in-one boxes
> acting both as NAS and SS (e.g. Infrant). Perhaps it would make sense to
> make a pre-configured SS running on a Soekris or a PC Engines WRAP that
> would just find any shares on the network and make that music
> available. If only SS didn't require so much resources.
> Another thought: Why not recommend people that find it difficult to use
> EAC/Flac or similar to use Windows Media Player and encode to WMA
> lossless. They could then be provided with an application that
> transcodes the WMA file to Flac, store it on a NAS, copying cover art
> and tag information before the original WMA file is deleted.

Sounds great - I'd love to play with the mini-ITX stuff or even the
PC104 stuff.  And yes, I agree that conventional computers are far too
noisy.  If I was to go this route I'd go totally fanless all the way. 
It's difficult to find all these parts, you'd have to go with a fanless
mini-ITX board along with a fanless laptop-brick-type power supply. 
These parts are out there - they're not easy to find or cheap, but
they're out there.

I just didn't understand why you feel you needed a desktop computer for
use with SlimServer if you already had a dedicated server running SS. 
SlimServer would work very well on a mini-ITX server setup.  I was
wondering what you needed the desktop for after that.

Again, I must have misread.

Mark Lanctot

"It's like, you know, a New Age religion, but with better treble
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