Just going back to the orignal reason the poster asked this question, a
car based Slimserver.

Has anyone got experience of runing a hard-drive continuously in a
I'd have thought the constant shocks would dramatically shorten the
lifespan of a HD. The roads in this country vary from good motorway to
tarmac'd donkey tracks. I'd imagine I'd get less than a week out of a
HD before it started reporting errors.

>From what I've heard the life span of iPOD HD's is about 2-3yrs and
they have intelligent caching so that the HD spends most of it's time
idle with songs playing back from RAM. The HD just spin's up to fill
the cache and then shut's off.

Since Slimserver does not do this, it would need the OS on the NSLU to
cache transparently.

oreillymj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=699
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