Michael Herger;175203 Wrote: 
> > 1. *How do you select which music to play today ?* (Browse, Search,
> > Random, Smart playlists, other?)
> 4. MIP based on some song I like (browse to song -> MIP)What type of things 
> are you using MIP for ? Is it just for playing
similar songs to one that you like, or do you use it for other stuff
than "similar songs" ? 

ceejay;175209 Wrote: 
> Some but not all of the music I listen to is classical: in this case
> options 1 and 2 work but not very well due to SS's limitations in
> dealing with classical music, and 3 is irrelevant.I only have a few albums of 
> classical music myself so I haven't really
experienced any problems, but I guess the situation would be totaly
different when the number of classical albums in a collection
increases. Is the problem with Custom Browse that it feels to static to
solve the classical music browsing or is the problem something else ?

ceejay;175209 Wrote: 
> For nonclassical, what would improve my listening would be something
> that made option 1 more effective at leading me to places I might be
> missing.  I suppose a list of the albums that haven't been played
> recently would be a start (I know I could do that with your plugins!)
> but it would be a pain if you got the same list every time, because
> there is probably a good reason why those albums haven't been played!
> Filtering this list by Genre would be good.
> Maybe what I want is "give me a list of 20 albums from this genre which
> haven't been played recently and which weren't on the list offered last
> time I asked this question"!
I'll add it to the wish list, it should be quite easy to do with Custom
Browse. I guess a menu like to following should solve your problem:

  Random Albums by Genre
  <Show all genres>
  <Show 20 random albums within the selected genre, but exclude those that has 
been played within the last xx days>

(There is already a Random Album menu available with Custom Browse but
without the extra Genre level and without the not recently played

Would it be a good idea to also have a "Not played within" level in the
top of the menu so you can easily select to exclude albums played within
last day, last week, last month or last year ?

slimkid;175318 Wrote: 
> I find the 'drill down' method to be very usefull if one really wants to
> actively listen to the music. Lately, I have asked a question about
> obvious bug, where there's the arrow showing by the 'Year' tag, but
> drill-down doesn't work. 
> But then, I'm thinking that the drill-down might be implemented on any
> tag where there's a posibility of having multiple items. Title is the
> first that comes to mind. For example, I'm listening to 'Almost Blue'
> performed by Diana Krall. Then I ask myself, let's see how does Elvis
> Costello does the same song (for purely trivia reasons :) ). Then, I'd
> like to compare it to more classical performance of Billy Holiday. So,
> drill-down on title would make sense. Then, I want to hear why (or if)
> is Karajan's vision of Requiem better than other's performances. Drill
> down on track title or album should be able to take me to the another
> track with the same name.I'm guessing that with 'drill down' you are talking 
> about the menu shown
when going right when a track is displayed ? For example from the Now
Playing screen ?

I have been thinking myself a bit about this to and primary I would
like to get ratings and tags handled by the Custom Tag plugin available
there and also some support for the Multi Library plugin to limit the
result to the active library. I'm thinking that it might be a good
solution to make it a bit configurable in same way as Custom Browse
where the user can decide what information he wants to be available in
the 'drill down'. I'm not sure if its possible to hook into the 'drill
down' menus, so I'm not sure whats possible to do yet.

Personally I have a few smart playlists in SQL playlist that I play
music with. Some only inludes high rated tracks, other includes
everything but a few bad artists/albums and low rated tracks.

Occasionally when I am listing I like to listen to a specific song. I
then browse to that song with the browse menu and hold add down to
insert it as the next song in the current playlist.

The big improvement for me I think would be to be able to use the
SqueezeBox when deciding which music to purchase. Today I often do this
by browsing Allmusic.com, Amazon.com and similar sites and listen to
their 30 seconds preview. I often use their different types of
similarity/follower statistics when deciding what to preview. The
ratings and reviews on Allmusic is also sometimes helfull, but thats
used more like a way to decide if an artist is of interest or not when
I have already found it. I also sometimes use the Amazon.com "customer
has also bought this" statistics.

By reading all posters comments so far it seems like most people use
the "browse" mechanism as primary tool for selecting what to play. If I
am interpreting this correctly most of you know what you want to listen
to and you use Browse to find it. So basically you don't see any big
points in making the system smarter so it can suggest which music you
may want to listen to.

So far it sounds like most of you are quite satisfied with the current
mechanisms for selecting which music to play but there is a quite large
potential for improvement in the case of browsing classical music.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32202

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