We would like to see "flickr" / "del.icio.us" style tags for music.
One can pretty much accomplish this with the custom browse plugin, but
the ability to easily input the data in the first place is missing. I
would like an extension so I could say tag a song/ablum with an
arbitrary tag ("fun", "happy", "sad", "funky", "purple") and
immediately have that be something I could key on in custom browse and
build playlists with. We would want to be able to make up new tags on
a whim upon entering them.

This should be able to be done from a drill down type manor, as well
as an on the fly addition to the currently playing song/album.

I am somewhat mixed if I think this data should be a DB only function,
or if it should mod the tags. I would be happy if it were DB only,
aside from the fact that having to do a wipe/rebuild is a pretty
common occurrence when you upgrade.

Thanks! I have found your tools useful.

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