I think everyone agrees that music is all about emotion. Music creates
emotions and sometimes you want to strengthen your current emotion
through music.

In all kinds of theories about emotion, including the ancient chinese
ones, there are 7 emotions:
Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Contempt, Enjoyment, Disgust, Fear

Why not think of a way to be able to select music on the (combination
of the) rating of one or more base emotions? 

I could imagine a circle with all emotions on them and per emotion a
rating from 0(no emotion)-3(high). Like in Excel, you could then create
something like a radar-graph (spiderweb) which represents the "emotion

Also notice that a rating system always should have an even number of
choices, so it makes it harder to go for the easy middle way..

When you want to select music, you just select the ratings for emotion
the emotions you want to have your selection stay within.

If you set the "anger emotion" to 0, no song will be played which will
make you angry. If you set Enjoyment to 3, all songs with 3,2,1 ratings
are in the filter, but songs with 3 will be played first, or last,
depending you want to strengthen of diminish you mood. The lower the
rate, the more relaxed you are, with the ultimate relaxedness: all
zeros:no emotion, no heartbeat..;-)

You could point out your current emotion(s) and desired emotion(s). The
music mix will slowly bring yo there! Wouldn't that be magnificent??

I know it'll be a lot of work to mark all songs, and all marks are
personal. Perhaps storing the emotion-ratings in different fields. On
the squeezebox, rate the song by using the cursors to set the spot or
area of all rated emotions.

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