When I purchase tracks off iTunes, the volume of the M4P files and the
subsequent wav files that they create are well below the 0dB threshold;
which results in mp3 files that are far quieter than those ripped from
audio CDs.  I get around this by importing the wavs into Audacity and
then amplifying the level to around -0.5dB and then re-exporting to wav
before ripping to mp3.  Fortunately I don't buy too much material off
iTunes as this is a bit of a long winded process. I also don't link my
iTunes library with my SB as I prefer to organise my own library

Any idea whether iTunes tracks are just quiet or is there a simpler and
quicker way I can fix this?




Wired squeezebox, WinXP SP2, SlimServer 6.5 v 2006-11-23, Player
Firmware Version: 69
Andyb01's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7734
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32431

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