totoro;181910 Wrote: 
> Chill out. Other people have other needs, and didn't necessarily buy the
> sb because it was open source, but because it was the best thing out
> there. Your insistence that they should shut up or go away adds nothing
> of any value to the discussion.
> Open sourcing a project is neither a panacea nor a guarantee of a
> disaster. The issue of bringing in people from sd to do things like
> integrate a unit test harness, make sure that there is good test
> coverage, blah blah blah (all the stuff many developers don't like
> doing) is pretty pertinent, and imho, a lot of people are actually
> thinking about things like this when talking about going closed source
> (incorrectly conflating some issues, as I've pointed out earlier).
> Have you yourself ever actually written any significant software, so
> that you have _any_ basis at all for talking about how "stupid and
> dangerous" this discussion is? I have, and find your position
> completely insupportable.

Hi totoro,

Thanks for your comments. I am a bit sad because i have little
compassion for some folks who want a world safe from any slight

i bought a squeezebox because of it's ability do a simple job for me
and because it got a good write up from the reviewers. The community
looked good also. I didn't buy it because it was open source. Since
getting the Sb I have been encouraged to go Linux. This has been very
helpful for me as it has given me hours of enjoyment and contact with a
community which seems integrated with the developers and designers of
the hardware. Before this experience I had some issues with conflicts
in Windows XP. By experiment and ideas off the internet i sorted my
problems out myself. I posted my experience and I hope that has helped
others. This experience involved Logitech who were brilliant and
helpful even when, in the end, they were not the guilty party. I got
chuff all help from the software side. They wanted money with no
guarantee of success. Logitech's attitude was great and I bought other
stuff from them because of this experience. My conclusions are that the
open source system seems to integrate users, developers and
manufacturers closer together which helps me. I can't speak for others.
I know the open source system is better for me.

I haven't got any experience of writing any code or "significant
software", the reason why I am worried about the SB project going
closed shop is that it will reduce the very great pleasure I get from
the situation as it is.

I see too much of the desperate drive to come up with a device to save
the world (ipod style) and make lots of money. The sb model will never
become run of the mill in the short term. All i am hoping is that this
nerdy type device remains so accessible and enjoyable and does not
become corrupted. I respect ipod and apple for what they have done, but
PLEASE don't bugger up the sb model by wanting to make it the answer to
Mrs Smith's cravings for a plug and play model.


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