Cleve wrote:
> Yes.   Here's the whole Netstat report...  This is with Slimserver shut
> down.
> And just so you know - I've uninstalled and reinstalled 6.5.1 numerous
> times.  I've even deleted the Slim folders before reinstalling.   I got
> it to run ONCE - but as soon as I shut it off, and tried to restart Slim
> Server, it crashed again.  Either that, or the icon sits in the tray,
> with the message "Slim Server  Starting" - but it never starts.  
> I'm very frustrated at this point - Slim Server *must* have some
> corrupted footprint somewhere on the computer that uninstalling doesn't
> remove, and a search for files named "Slim" doesn't uncover. 
> Maddening!!!!!

I think you're misinterpreting the question you responded to. The likely 
answer is that there's something unrelated to slimserver on your machine 
that is using port 9000. Use "netstat -a -b" to see what it is.

- Marc
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