Am doing a mini kitchen/dining room remodel and will be pairing a new SB
(yes, black...very nice) with a Parasound Zamp.  Here is a softball
question:  am I correct that I need no more pre-amp than that supplied
in the SB?  

Second question:  does anyone have an in-wall speaker suggestion? I've
listened to some Polk's, but would love more options. Room is about 13
x 18 ft, hardwood floors, drywall construction.  Price range somewhere
around $500 for the speaker set (give or take).

Last question:  does anyone have a recommendation for an IR repeater
kit for use with a wall hanging LCD TV (so I can bury my cable box DVR
in the closet out of the way?  They seem ridiculously expensive (e.g.,
the Niles exceeds $200).

Thanks!  My second Squeezebox!  Love it.

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