That socketwrapper is effectively the latest that overcame problem in XP
with security s/w.  A number of Vista users have found that it seems to
fix a similar problem with Vista.  If it is a problem related to McAfee
- disabling is not enough to undo its effects - you have to uninstall

There is a catch-22 situation - SS 6.5.1 is the first version that uses
socketwrapper for transcoding and socketwrapper generates debug messages
for it's console window. However when socketwrapper is launched by 6.5.1
the console window is disabled so the debug info can't be seen. 

What I find strange is that 6.3.1 didn't work - it doesn't use
socketwrapper so there may be a different problem.

Was the debug log from 6.3.1 or 6.5.1/6.5.2 ?  if the 6.5.1/6.5.2 can
you repeat with d_source enabled and show more earlier messages as some
seem to be missing.

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