I've only had my squeezebox a couple of days now but I already love its
easy use & setup but I have a couple of questions for you experts out

I have the following setup a Squeezebox SB3 connected wireless to
Windows Laptop which runs Slimserver 6.5.1, Buffalo Linkstation Live
NAS server which stores all my files connected by ethernet cable to a
Netgear Router.

The iTunes on the laptop can connect to server through the shared
option (LS-GL Linkstation) but I cannnot move anything to Playlists, or
edit tracks in anyway. When I rip a CD using iTunes it seems to put the
files only on the laptop not the server even though in settings the
libary should be at L:\iTunes music (where L is the server)

On the slimserver side the path is set as \\Hs-dhglc5a\share\iTunes
Music but I cannot figure how to put this setting into iTunes on the
laptop. Does anyone know how to solve this & get iTunes on the laptop
working properly?

Also the album artwork on the slimserver seems to have disappeared (it
used to show when libary was stored on laptop) but if you open an album
file the artwork is there, how do I get it to display when I am

Thanks for any advice

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