
I know this is a little off the main topic, but I'm hoping someone here
has experience, direct or indirect, with Content Management Systems. 
We're planning to revamp the website, mostly to make it
easier to update the content, over the next couple of months.  While
we're doing this, it make sense to consider using one of the CMS
offerings out there.  It looks like there are some excellent
open-source tools out there and I'm hoping you might have some
experience with them.

I have a few direct questions:

I've looked for a Perl-based CMS and found nothing.  Am I missing
something?  It looks like we'll end up with a PHP-based system unless
we wanted to roll our own (which we don't!).

I'm currently *leaning* toward Drupal, based on what I've found online,
but I'd like to see if anyone here has used it, or looked into using,
and what their impressions are.

Are there any CMS systems you've worked with the we should just stay
away from?


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