My opinion - albeit based on experience with only one of the options,
but considerable anecdotal reading of the other - is to forget the NAS
idea and go with simple external hard disks (USB or Firewire).  The
reason for saying this is the significant number of threads in this
forum over the past few months from people wrestling with setting
up/upgrading/troubleshooting their various NAS set-ups.  It seems to me
that these are typically compromised in their flexibility, power,
ability to run the latest version of SlimServer, add plugins, etc, and
offer in compensation very little other than what appears to be some
sort of holy grail for a few  people of "not having a computer on
24/7".  As I understand it, the NAS is a (crippled) form of a computer
so what's the big deal anyway.  And if you are already running your Mac
and happy with it, why have a second computer running on your network? 

As far as securing backups I do not believe NAS offers any advantage
unless you set it up as a RAID array, which seems a little complicated
to me. My advice would be to buy 2 external drives of the same size
(500 to 600 Gb disks are widely available and reasonably priced) and
hook them both up to your Mac, copy the music files to both of them and
then run a backup routine to regularly copy what is added to the main
drive to the backup copy.  You can do this with rsync or if you prefer
a GUI there are a number of programs which can do this including
automation of copying.

Just my opinion of course - I'm sure there are NAS fans who will 
suggest benefits that I am unable to see for myself. 


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