Hercules;199950 Wrote: 
> My old iRiver H120 MP3 player (which I have rockboxed to run FLAC) is on
> its last legs - the screen is badly cracked, and something in the
> headphone socket is a little loose as it crackles a bit - and I am
> looking to replace it.
> Increasingly, my music is in FLAC format. I'm not sure I can be
> bothered to manage two music libraries - i.e. one in FLAC, and then
> another transcoded into MP3 - so am looking for a player that works
> well with FLAC. I realise I won't notice the difference between a good
> MP3 and FLAC when I'm out and about, but as I say, managing two
> libraries strikes me as unnecessary chore :-)
> So, does anyone have any recommendations for a good MP3 player that
> supports FLAC? At the moment, I quite like the look of the Cowon iAudio
> X5, and can't really see any viable competitors... Perhaps, though, I
> have missed some other players?

IMO the better approach by far is to keep an mp3 library, for a couple
of reasons:

- Lossless files tend to eat up battery life on portables due to the
increased disc access.

- Mp3s will load much faster onto the portable.

- You'll have a lot more flexibility in selecting a portable player,
since only a handful of players support flac and/or rockbox.

It's actually quite easy to manage.  The first time you mirror the
library it may take several days to convert everything, but after that
you just schedule a script to run each night.  The script should be
smart enough to examine file modification times so that it will only
transcode new/changed files and should take just a few minutes to
update the mirror.


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