Quoting shermoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> if i had access to slimdevices' code, i'd fix the problem in my old
> 6.2.1 version myself!

You do.  The source code is perl, and is installed whenever you  
install a slimserver package.  In the case of the windows installer,  
it is a packaged executable that runs the server, but you still have  
the source code.  All you need to do is download ActiveState's  
ActivePerl and you can edit anything in C:\Program  
Files\slimserver\server\Slim.  In the case of genre handling, it might  
even be as simple as grabbing the latest CPAN module for the format  
you are using and adding that to the CPAN folder under the slimserver  
installation.  Then run the server using slimserver.pl, which you can  
make into a service using srvany or firedaemon.

if you really need it as an EXE, that's a bit more effort (read:  
money) as that requires building the EXE using the PDK from  
ActiveState.  The PDK is not free.

Only the firmware is closed, and you will not need access to the  
firmware to change the processing of genre tags.

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