I've been considering purchasing a Transporter but contrary to some
points of view brand is very imporant but why pay for a brand or more
accurately why pay a premium price for a brand? There must be something
that provides the purchaser with something more than just the product?

Although I want what I believe is the best it has to have to be at the
right price. $2000 for a Slim Device Transporter is a lot of money but
$2000 for a Logitech Transporter is excessive.

This has nothing to do with Logitech as a company it's consumer

That's my view and like all consumers I can always vote with my

I can see the rational for the standard SB but the Transporter is
something else, it's a niche market product so why not exploit this.

Keith's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=460
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=35578

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