Brand is important otherwise why would companies protect them so much.
It's because consumers associate with brands. Would you like to have an
F40 with a Fiat badge, nope didn't think so. Do I want a Logitech logo
staring at me from the front room, nope. I don't have an issue with
Logitech in computer peripherals but not HiFi, that's just not their

They can place their logo on the back and leave the front clean. Yes
it's only a logo but the same way that a Casio watch does the same as a
Rolex it tells the time but a Rolex has other intangible values.

Of course people are passionate, if people were so fickle as to ignore
brand a company like Coke would be really in the mire, well it's only a
carbonated soft drink after all. personally I prefer Pepsi Max with a
bit of JD No7 but hey I could drink Tesco's Cola and Bourbon if it was
manufactured by the original companies but I would never offer these
'substandard' product to guests.

I think that bring me back to the rational behind the logo issue, most
people don't give a monkey what logo there is but it does matter if you
have guests it's all about image, and isn't that what the brand is about

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