Eric Seaberg;206517 Wrote: 
> You're shortening the life of your PC by turning it off and on MORE than
> if you just keep it on all the time.  I've got 12 Digital Audio
> Workstations in our post-production facilities that have been on
> continuously for the last three-years!  NO PROBLEMS!
> Otherwise, like has already been mentioned, give your SERVER and SB3 a
> static IP address.  I do this and it works flawlessly IF I turn the
> network off for some reason.  All of my computers in the house ARE
> DHCP, but that's it.  Music server (Mac MINI) and main Mac G5 are
> static, as well as my SB3s and Transporter.  Keeping my server and G5
> also keeps my backup system from guessing where things are when I do
> weekly backups.

I've been using PC's since 286. At work we leave them on, at home I
shut them off. Doesn't seem to to make any difference it reliability.
If anything I think the work ones tend to burn out before home ones.
Both usually outlast their useful technology life. I have a bunch of
CRT's you want em?

Dust tends to kill them and the longer they are on the more dust they
pull in. Fans tend to burn out running 24/7 too.

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