> But lets assume that we are talking about someone who doesn't know how
> SlimServer works. This user has probably not realized that he needs a
> tagging/ripping program, so he has no idea what to choose in these
> options.

Come on! Who's going to buy a SB without knowing what a music file is and  
what they're used for. That's imho pretty far fetched.

> If he has iTunes installed he might choose it, if not he
> probably choose the music path option since he probably doesn't know
> what MusicIP is.

Then he's done the right choice :-)

> SlimServer will of course also be
> automatically started at the end of the installation.

One problem here is that you can't do a path selector from the installer.  
It's imho only reasonable from inside the running server, as people would  
again select mounted drive X: as a music source, which is not seen by the  

> I do realize that there will be a bit of work to get everyting
> described above, but IF logitech is targeting average Joe I think
> something like this is required to avoid support problems.

Support problems would imho increase, as may questions would be asked  
concerning the bundled applications. Sometimes I'm even under the  
impression that this is the QNAP support forum. Don't make it a  
Winamp/Foobar/MP3Tag/Younameit forum as well.

> So it should be possible to suggest the correct directory if XP
> or Vista is used.

This again isn't that simple as SlimServer is run under the system account  
by default. There's no "My Music" folder for it.

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