Ron F. wrote:
> I think I spent about $800 on the Nano-ITX box plus Seagate external
> drive. That includes shipping charges and a few cables. 

Wow, I didn't know they were that steep.
My $120 junkers are looking better and better.
Not as small, quiet or low power as the Nano-ITX.

I think the pricing sweet spot is mini-ITX these days.
Cases are cheap, MB, etc.

Like an iPod, you pay for small and good looking.

> Boards will continue to shrink, and it won't be long before we can drop
> a server board into the Transporter, (we can probably do that now,) or
> even a box the size of the SB3.

Oh no! Not in the transporter.
I don't want a computer anywhere near my stereo.

But its just a matter of packaging.
I've got some Single Board Computers from,
they are about $250 with case and wifi

They include linux and flash to boot.

Pat Farrell

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