I have an SB3 that I have not yet installed. My cable modem is in my
office probably 35 feet or so and three walls away from where the
Squeezebox will be. I could have an electrician run cat 5 cable or I
could buy a wireless G, draft N, pre-N, N draft 2.0 wireless router. I
am seeking your sage advice. I searched the forum and found that at
least a couple of guys were of the opinion that the wireless route
always has trouble. As a third option, I could split the difference and
place the wireless router roughly halfway between the office and the
squeezebox thereby getting at least one or maybe two of the walls and
about 25 of the distance made up with cat 5 cable.

Finally, which wireless router has given you no trouble with your
squeezebox or transporter (make and model, please)? I just read a good
review of the just-released draft-n 2.0 routers (2.0 is touted as a big
improvement), the D-Link model here:





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