I'm having problems where if I browse to an artist in slimserver it says
something like "4 albums by 15 artists".

It appears to be the problem discussed in these threads:


Looking in the database, the 'contributors' table shows the name field
as being the info from the composer tag rather than the artist tag. I'm
running version 6.5.4 (I believe this problem was fixed in 6.5.3) and
rescanning the library (option to delete and rescan) doesn't fix the
problem. Do I need to fully uninstall and reinstall slimserver? I'd
rather have a solution that didn't involve deleting all my composer
tags as I don't really want to have to remove any data contained within
the tracks if possible.

I also have a problem where my Beach Boys Greatest Hits album ends up
under 'various artists' and categorised as a compilation in the
database. Setting the compilation database field to NULL fixes the
problem. Is this related to the composer tag problem? It's strange
because this album's composer tags are no more varied than any other.

My final problem is that I can't seem to get multiple disc sets to
display as one album. I keep each disc in a different folder (e.g.
artist\album CD1, artist\album CD2), but set the album tag to be the
same for all tracks in the set, and number the tracks sequentially
(e.g. CD1 tracks 1-20, CD2 tracks 20-40). This works fine for putting
the music on my Creative Zen, but not in slimserver. I have the 'Group
Discs' option set to 'treat multi-disc sets as a single album'.

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