Jimyyz, hi and welcome. First up - lots of people who come to Slimserver
and the SB feel exactly the same way - if you have a look at the forums,
there are quite a few threads on similar lines.  You were more polite
than some have been. Slim Devices (IMHO one of the most customer
focused companies there is in terms of listening to what we want) are
hopefully addressing this in v7 Slimserver and later versions.  

However, it helps to understand a bit why Slimserver is the way it is. 
First off, it's written in Perl - which means it can be run on almost
any platform.  It's open source so you can amend it if you want, and
develop your own plugins.  Random Mix ?  A plugin written by a
customer, which was then rolled into the main program.  See also Itunes
Update, AlienBBC etc.  It's also highly configurable - can pretty much
just the way you want.  It would be fair to say it probably suits
advanced users a bit better the way it is now.

I've tried Itunes and hate it.  It makes me organise my music the way
it wants, not the way I want.  It adds tags I don't want.  It doesn't
support some of the features I want.  It does do playlists brilliantly
though.  However, I recognise why other people would like it and expect
everything to follow that model.

The big challenge for Slim is how to suit these two very different
approaches in one piece of software.  I've said my 0.02 which is to
branch the software - closed source, Itunes like, limited features for
people who want simplicity, keep the current open source version for
people who want to fiddle.

Not defending Slimserver - just trying to explain why it suits me more
than you.  The only thing I would say, is it may well grow on you...

Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=38090

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