My disclaimer is that I work for DataCore, but I'll try to keep any bias
out of it.

I used DataCore's SANmelody Lite software to put together an iSCSI SAN
using an old PC and a bunch of mismatched disk drives. The beauty of
this system is that it serves block level I/O as opposed to file
shares, so I can create and serve LUN's to any PC on my network,
regardless of O/S. 

The other thing I like about it is the performance - since it utilizes
a portion of the memory as dedicated I/O cache it is much faster than a
NAS. Mine has 1.5GB cache across Gigabit ethernet, and it is a lot
faster than any internal disk ever was.

I also was worried about noise, but since it is a standard 
pc as the platform, I easily replaced the PSU and case fan, and it is
now virtually silent.

Anyway, I'm not trying to advertise (our true market is enterprise
datacenters...), but I thought this might be an interesting solution
for many here.



SB2 --> Axiom passive pre --> Portal Paladin monoblocks --> Dynaudio
Contour 1.3 MKII
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