chepnut;228580 Wrote: 
> Can you go into a little more detail on how this actually works.

Sure. DataCore makes storage controller software - like what you would
normally find as embedded software/firmware on large external storage
controllers - except it is portable and runs on open systems. You
install this on a pc and it puts a snap-in to the MMC. This is now a
dedicated storage server (or a SAN)

Any storage that the PC can "see" (internal, external, RAID, USB
etc)can be brought into the pool(s), and you in turn use the software
to create a "disk" or LUN, then present it over your network to any of
the other computers on it. To them, it looks like a raw disk that they
initialize, format, and begin using.

There is a descrption of it on the website at:

and some flash movies of the inerface at:

I'd recommend checking out the "exchange server" one and consider that
this would be the "Slimserver" in your own system.


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