Solvason-Pastuch;230773 Wrote: 
> Oh, I know your pain.  I have always, and still do, feel that this piece
> of 
> equipment is nothing but a techie toy.  Imagine how many cars there
> would be 
> on the road if they had to update their software evry night.  Zero!

Having just put my 4-year-old car in for a routine annual service and
received a bill in excess of 500 pounds (just for regular wear & tear),
I'm not really swayed by your argument. I think I'd prefer frequent free

Whilst I was still trying out SlimServer with Softsqueeze, I found a
small problem with how it (SS) handled WMA files. It was fixed within
two days. All without sending a penny (or cent) into SlimDevices'
coffers. That was probably the only time I've had to update the
software; since then I've only upgraded with the (infrequent) official
releases (actually, I'm one behind at the moment; just haven't got
round to it).

On the other hand, the connections in my car door speakers appear to be
coming loose. Looks like it won't be possible to fix or even check this
without taking the whole door apart; not a job I can handle, and I
don't think anyone will fix it for me for free. So my car really is
just a techie toy (in the sense that it's beyond my ability to fix);
it's certainly lousy for listening to music :-)

> If 
> evertime they crashed, someone died.  Zero.

Often happens, with cars - the most deadly form of transport in the
world - but they're still on the roads. Perhaps, if software-assisted
control and networking of vehicles and traffic becomes a reality, they
will become much safer. With continuous updates, of course - nightly
wouldn't be anything like frequent enough.

-- Brian

Brian Ritchie
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