datakits;233464 Wrote: 
> Id also like to hear form anyone who has bought a SQ3 from us in the
> past week and hear of their experiences of our company Datakits. I
> don’t want to upset anyone here but I feel after all that has been said
> about this situation it is only fair that we have a balanced view
> because we are not selling used or reconditioned Squeezeboxes and this
> suggestion is very frustrating.

Please, let's not turn this thread into a "Ain't Datakits great" or
"Ain't Datakits awful" thread. I think people here are perfectly
capable of using their favourite search engine to gather suitable
information to enable them to form a balanced view of your company.
Infact before this thread started I'd never heard of Datakits. After a
bit of googling I now know an awful lot about them.

Mike, I'm puzzled as to why you feel so compelled to try and convince
everyone here that Datakits is such a great company. Your Companies
actions before Empgamer started this thread tell us all we need to

Furthermore if Empgamer or anyone else here for that matter has said
anything libellous against Datakits then sue. The law's there, use it!

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