sander;234533 Wrote: 
> I actually had a funny Squeezefox moment the other day.
> Some of the album art I have is very large, especially if it's an old
> record and someone has gone to the trouble of making a nice scan, I
> just throw it in the directory with the music.
> Anyway, my whole 1280x800 laptop screen was overcome by a giant album
> cover that slowly engulfed the whole screen as it struggled to scroll
> up, for about a minute the whole machine was unusable, as it looked
> like a close up of an album cover missile launch across the screen then
> it subsided and everything went back to normal.
> Given I put the humungo artwork in there, I take full responsibility,
> but it was a funny moment.
> Thanks for a great plugin!

yeah, this is a bit of a known issue. SqueezeFox depends on your server
being able to dynamically resize the image. I'm running SlimNAS, and it
can't do it, dunno why though.

sorry about that :S


'SqueezeFox - The Squeezebox extension for Firefox'
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