i felt i need to add my two bits as well... (no pun intended)

sonos has a strong presence in consumer + even high-end (!) audio-shops
all over the world, wheras SD seems to be less prominent.

i have seen demo centers and banners in audio stores in germany, canada
and even south-africa! and i am not necessarily talking about your
"supermarket-style" hyperstores, but the cosy, small dealerships with
personal service.

surely, this gives sonos more appeal to consumers of the
"non-technical-type", who are primarily buying HQ AUDIO equipment and
not an open-source technical gadget. ;-)

while i realize SD does have dealers as well, i confess i have not seen
any SD product in any retail shop yet.

that being said, i am not sure if sonos is smarter - to me it seems
they are simply addressing a different market:

SONOS: customers with higher budgets, primarily seeking an audio device
which is sexy to look at, has less knobs to tweak and which is easy to
buy - i.e. less complexity and less things to break!

SLIMDEVICES: customers who are technically savvy or interested, have a
smaller budget and who are not only willig to, but love to tweak and
fiddle with their equipment and continuously research and implement new

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