Don't be afraid of what you have not used or have not owned. Come on in
the water is fine, no really it is. To each his own, and the iPhone
works well for and has great value to me. One should not slam something
they have not tried or even don’t need. At the price they are going for,
somebody must need and like them!

Yes I own an iPhone. I paid $289US for mine brand new in the box with a
hundred dollar Jawbone Bluetooth included in that $289 because I waited.
Less then I paid for my BlackJack two and a half years ago. I own no
Macs and have never owned an iPod.

Who cares about the battery? Battery technology has come a long way and
by the time I need a new battery there will be a better cheaper phone
available or I will buy a new one. I use my iPhone for about 14 hours a
day never turning it off and get about a day and a half out of a charge.
And when it gets low, I just stick it in the dock and load new tunes on
it while it charges.

The memory issue does not even exist. How many other cell phones can
expand to 8GBs much less come with 8 gigs? Answer, not many and the
ones that are coming are only there because of the iPhone. Have you
priced an 8GB MicroSD that will not come with the phone you buy? Can I
fill the phone up, with over 5000 CDs ripped, you bet I can. But I
don’t need every song I own with me all the time. All I need are the
best of my favorites, which takes up about 6 GB. That is over 5 days of
music listening to it straight (don’t think I can stay awake that

The WiFi works great (full real web pages not that mobile crap!)! And
when not in WiFi coverage it falls back to Edge automatically. If one
can't afford $20 a month for unlimited data, move back home to the
parent's basement and turn in your cellular phone!

The touch screen is wonderful and the ability to do landscape or
portrait is a fantastic function. I have owned every Blackberry known
to man and tried every “Smart” phone and pocket PC (Cingular Wireless
allows to you return any phone in two weeks for something else). None
of them came close to allowing me to work away from home the way the
iPhone has. I used to be chained to my 9-pound laptop when I left the
house, now I grab my iPhone and don’t give it a second thought. I get
all my E-mail, can react to any Market Alert, receive phone calls, and
buy or sell options mobile on the actual website instead of the
stripped down mobile websites that will not let you do complex spreads
or iron condors.

Plus as others have said, if nothing else, the iPhone will make the
other phone makes put out a better product. I believe the iPhone has
sold more initial retail sales then any other cell phone in history.
And when it gets to the give away stage in two years for $59.95 plus a
two year contract extension, it will most likely become the world’s
best selling cell phone ever.


Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
Squeezebox 3, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two
VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370
iPhone's Profile:
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