iPhone;242739 Wrote: 
> Don't be afraid of what you have not used or have not owned. Come on in
> the water is fine, no really it is. To each his own, and the iPhone
> works well for and has great value to me. One should not slam something
> they have not tried or even don’t need. At the price they are going for,
> somebody must need and like them!
> Yes I own an iPhone. I paid $289US for mine brand new in the box with a
> hundred dollar Jawbone Bluetooth included in that $289 because I waited.
> Less then I paid for my BlackJack two and a half years ago. I own no
> Macs and have never owned an iPod.
> Who cares about the battery? Battery technology has come a long way and
> by the time I need a new battery there will be a better cheaper phone
> available or I will buy a new one. I use my iPhone for about 14 hours a
> day never turning it off and get about a day and a half out of a charge.
> And when it gets low, I just stick it in the dock and load new tunes on
> it while it charges.
> The memory issue does not even exist. How many other cell phones can
> expand to 8GBs much less come with 8 gigs? Answer, not many and the
> ones that are coming are only there because of the iPhone. Have you
> priced an 8GB MicroSD that will not come with the phone you buy? Can I
> fill the phone up, with over 5000 CDs ripped, you bet I can. But I
> don’t need every song I own with me all the time. All I need are the
> best of my favorites, which takes up about 6 GB. That is over 5 days of
> music listening to it straight (don’t think I can stay awake that
> long).
> The WiFi works great (full real web pages not that mobile crap!)! And
> when not in WiFi coverage it falls back to Edge automatically. If one
> can't afford $20 a month for unlimited data, move back home to the
> parent's basement and turn in your cellular phone!
> The touch screen is wonderful and the ability to do landscape or
> portrait is a fantastic function. I have owned every Blackberry known
> to man and tried every “Smart” phone and pocket PC (Cingular Wireless
> allows to you return any phone in two weeks for something else). None
> of them came close to allowing me to work away from home the way the
> iPhone has. I used to be chained to my 9-pound laptop when I left the
> house, now I grab my iPhone and don’t give it a second thought. I get
> all my E-mail, can react to any Market Alert, receive phone calls, and
> buy or sell options mobile on the actual website instead of the
> stripped down mobile websites that will not let you do complex spreads
> or iron condors.
> Plus as others have said, if nothing else, the iPhone will make the
> other phone makes put out a better product. I believe the iPhone has
> sold more initial retail sales then any other cell phone in history.
> And when it gets to the give away stage in two years for $59.95 plus a
> two year contract extension, it will most likely become the world’s
> best selling cell phone ever.

Yeah, what he said!   Coming from a long line os smartphones
(i300,i330,i500, several treos), iphone blows them all away in terms of
shear simple joyful useability.

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