Gibbo wrote:
> I'm working for a company that in the next 6 months will move to a new
> lab (i'm a chemist) i'm trying to convince my boss that in a lab of
> around 8-10 people, around 70 sq ft at a vague guess, radio just will
> not do as not all the people will be happy listening to any station,
> and all will just get annoyed, and so we need a squeezebox set to
> random play, so people can just chuck their music on a NAS or computer
> upstairs and the SB downstairs can play from that. I'd like to know
> what people would do about speakers etc?
> given the job of setting it up yourself, what would you buy? you have
> £200 to get everything after you've bought the SB. (not including the
> computer or wireless or anything) I need a good solution so I can
> convince people.

I've got three pairs of AE Aego M active speakers in vaarious locations.
They're dirt cheap on ebay at the moment. Very good value.


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