sd2100 wrote:
> I've had my SB3 for just over a week and a must say - GREATE. The
> network was found very quikly and the SB3 was up and running within
> minuets. My concerns wasn't the hardware but the a little bit boring
> black looks compared to the fantastic sliver version!
> Looks sells whatever you might think. A study just publish recently
> showed that womens influence in the buying process has increased
> significantly over the last years.
> If money isn't the main buying criteria - what would most women buy if
> you put a SB3 next to a Sonos? You know the answer.
> In hifi (and in other areas of the consumer market) designers a working
> with WAF (Wife Accentence Factor). That's just a FACT.
> iPhone wrote "New products are going to be coming." 
> I hope so. I can justify a black box in the living room, but 3-4
> (boring) boxes around the whole flat? That's a challenge.

I said it before: My favorite sound system would be invisible. No SB, no 
amp and no speakers in sight. With the Jive platform we're (slowly) 
getting there I think. Just the speakers left. I believe in the US 
in-wall speakers are popular. I haven't seen them here. Would be rather 
difficult opening up the concrete walls though... ;)

Peter (nobody's wife)

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