Ben Sandee;244199 Wrote: 
> I don't
> understand why everyone is jumping all over you honestly -- bug
> reports like this with detailed reproductions and calm, collected
> reasoning are very rare. 

I don't think anyone is "jumping all over" him.

I just doubt the methodology or the wording is completely unclear to

And I just downloaded the .ZIP and brought up wave viewers on a few of
the files.

Zoomed in appropriately, the 'sinus 1kHz -90dB.wav' file makes, as
expected, a sine wave, though I can see steps in it, that is expected
at this low level.  Values range from 265 to -266.

The interesting part is that 'sinus 1kHz -90dB.wav.lame.mp3.mad24.wav'
looks -exactly- the same.  There is not a single artifact of
compression that I see.  the only obvious difference is the range is
slightly different: from 268 to -269.

And even more interesting: 'sinus 1kHz -90dB.wav.lame.mp3.lame16.wav'
looks like poop.  It is far closer to a square wave than a sine wave,
and even has very sharp corners.  The range of values are entirely
different as well.  It is 0, 1 and -1.

the 'sinus 1kHz -90dB.wav.lame.mp3.mad16.wav' is also very different
from the source.  The values range from +4 to -4 , and the waveform
looks only barely like a sine wave, but I see values bounce like: 0,
-1, -1, -1, 0, -2, 0, -1...

I am at work: no headphones here, and my PC speakers suck so it's not
like I could hear anything anyway.  (Not bad for background music, but
not about to pick up subtleties...)

But from looking at the waveforms in those files, yeah, I am sure two
of them sound the same, one is almost silence and one is... I have no
idea what.  Squigglies?

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