I applaud your dumping the SS/iTunes integration. A lot of people would
rid themselves of a lot of problems by doing so.

My guess is that there are issues within your tags for some reason. Get
some good tagging software, such as Mp3tag ( http://www.mp3tag.de/en/ )
and examine the tags on the files in some of the albums giving
SlimServer problems. If you use mp3 files, make sure that there arent'
conflicts between id3v1, id3v2 and APE tags. Ideally, use just id3v2
tags in mp3s. In Mp3tag you can see what tags exist within a file and
delete those you don't want, as well as copy data from one tag type to

Also, folder organization is important with all recent releases of
SlimServer. It requires that you keep all tracks from an album within a
single folder.


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