
The actual royalty payments are fixed by the UK Copyright Tribunal - no
room for negotiation.  The problem is that the royalty format put
forward in the UK by the MCPS/PRS doesn't take account of the Pandora
model - it is a 'per song' format but is required each time a song is
played. Pandora serves up individual streams, and plays the same song
many times over, so each song played to each user essentially requires
a separate licence.

The most detailed analysis I've seen is on one of the Media blogs -
can't comment on the accuracy of his UK user base figures but the
royalty payment figures are correct:

Robert Andrews Wrote: 
> For background, the online license from the MCPS-PRS alone - which
> collects royalties on music and lyrics for songwriters, publishers and
> composers - asks interactive webcasters to pay either 6.5 percent of
> company revenue, or, if it’s greater, a minimum total of microfees
> (£0.085 per song streamed, £0.22 per premium customer per month). 
> With 2007 revenues of $14 million (£7 million), Pandora would seemingly
> have been asked to pay a 6.5 percent charge of around £455,000 to
> MCPS-PRS. But, because the millions of songs it serves to user
> simultaneously rack up royalty microfees totalling in excess of that,
> it’s forced to pay significantly more. 
> Pandora doesn’t have concrete figures for its UK userbase, at best
> guesstimating “in the low hundreds of thousands”. So, for a
> back-of-the-envelope calculation… if 200,000 users played 30 songs a
> month (just one a day), at MCPS-PRS’ cost of £0.085 each, Pandora would
> appear to owe £510,000 per month, or £6.1 million a year.


That's a lot of £10...

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