I don't understand this. It looks like this is for browsing in a window
where the url you connect to is different from the url you are seeing
so you can beat the work firewall etc. And they can pay for it by
putting advertising banners into the page.

But for squeezebox (I have no interest in playing music on my PC
through a web browser) we would need to input the new ip address into
slimserver? We don't want to redirect all our ip traffic, just the
slimserver stuff. My router has no redirect http traffic to this
address to this other address function. And even then all the audio
traffic would be going through their servers so using up their
bandwidth - why would they do that for free since no advertising is
possible? If this is wrong can someone post an idiots guide to getting
Rhapsody Unlimited working on the squeezebox?

No one is going to into trouble for posting this theoretical

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