PLynas;259480 Wrote: 
> So I guess my question is - just how user friendly is the new remote?
> Is it easy to find what you are looking for quickly if you have a large
> music collection and does it offer a big advantage over using the
> existing remote with the Squeezebox display? I am tempted to buy but it
> is a lot of money and do not want to make an poor decision.
In my opinion the big advantage with SqueezeBox Controller compared to
the old IR based SqueezeBox remote is when you are browsing your music
library and doesn't know exactly what you want to listen to.

In this scenario the advantage of seeing several lines are huge. First
I thought of the Controller as a coverart browser, but when I've used
it a bit I've realize that the main advantage is not the cover art, the
main advantage is the fact that you see several lines. 

A month ago the Controller was bad when you were scrolling long lists,
but during the last week acceleration has been added so this is no
longer a problem. So now I can also find a specific album that I'm
looking for faster with the Controller than the old IR-remote. 

The searching(not browsing) functionality on Controller doesn't beat
the IR-remote with the LazySearch third party plugin yet, this is still
something that needs to be improved. Hopefully they are working on this
and I suspect the developer behind LazySearch might also be working on
a solution, so I suspect the Controller will get a satisfying solution
also for searching.

Personally I still feel that for browsing the currently most promising
solution is an iPod Touch/iPhone with the third party iPeng skin. The
larger screen with touch functionality is IMHO a big advantage. The
problem with the iPod Touch/iPhone solution is that it isn't as fast as
the Controller when navigating, the performance on a iPod Touch is
comparable to a standard PC with the SqueezeCenter web interface.
However, I know some people doesn't feel the same way as me regarding
the iPod Touch/iPhone solution, some like the fact that you can control
the Controller with a single hand while the iPod Touch/iPhone needs two
hands to be user friendly.

So to sum it up:
- The menu structure is basically the same on the Controller as with
the IR remote
- Browsing is a lot better on the Controller compared to the IR-remote
- Searching is currently better on the IR-remote, assuming you have the
LazySearch plugin installed.
- The Controller is faster than the IR-remote when navigating in the


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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