
Search the forums for ALBUMARTIST.. what I think a lot of people are
doing is adding

ALBUMARTIST=Elvis Costello

to the "Elvis Costello and the Attractions" albums.  This will result
in your "Elvis Costello" and "Elvis Costello and the Attractions"
albums both appearing together under "Elvis Costello" in the Browse
Artists listing.  "Elvis Costello and the Attractions" will not appear
in the Browse Artists listing, so this is not exactly what you're
looking for, but in my mind is actually better.  If you really want
what you asked for, use:

ALBUMARTIST=Elvis Costello;Elvis Costello and the Attractions

on those albums.  Note that under either scheme, the tracks will still
be shown with the appropriate artist name.  ALBUMARTIST just controls
where the album gets shown in Browse Artists.

There are some issues here with sorting; see bug 4584.  Hopefully I'll
get around to fixing that before too long.

There is also an issue if you're using MP3s; see bug 6490.

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