I still order from the US. Get a friend in the states and get it shipped
to him and shipped over. It just makes things more difficult.

The nice thing about living in Europe is that the dollar is extremly
weak at the moment and is not going to recover soon. 

On a differnt note, on other forums you can see how Americans are
complaining about prices in Euros. Count yourselves lucky that you live
in a country that has a strong economy.

BTW: You can order a car in the US. Getting a 1/2 shipping container
(which will fit a car) from New Jersy to Rotterdam costs about 700€.
Getting the car to meet European sound and emission standars is another
1000€ ... you can buy a pretty cheap Audi/Merc/BMW/Volvo/etc. that way
and lots of people are doing that. Linking prices prices to consumer
markets is very hard for a supplier to jusify. I have friends in the US
doing "regular" desk jobs who earn a lot more that surgeons in
Switzerland. Another arugment would be the Big Mac Index

It is very unwise to try and explain to a consumer, with todays
globalisation, why he has to pay 50% more in Europe for an electronic
item produced in China after tax. 

It is much easier to explain why a Big Mac is cheaper..

If Logitech had consumed Slim completly I would probably switched to
something else or just never updated my Slimserver. Logitech's support
is OK for mice and such (Then again, what can go wrong?) but support
for anything else is not really up to standard: Harmony.... (works for
some, but not for others . go on .. have a google)

I started of buying the slimp3 and realy enjoy the lever of support and
innovation behind this product. I presume that when Logitech took over
they made sure that Slimdevices would retain a certain amount of
autonomy - this is a good thing.

Sike's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2458
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=43128

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