Sorry, I misunderstood and thought you already had one SB.

re 'fiddling' I think it's quite possible that you could get the duet,
take it out of the box and have it working in a few minutes.  You'll
find some testimonials elsewhere here to that effect.  It's not that
there is some necessary difficult process to go through. And in fact if
all you want to do is run Rhapsody you aren't likely to have to do much
or any 'fiddling.'

It's also possible that it doesn't just 'work' (maybe you're network is
not set up right? etc.).  You'll also find threads here to that effect
as well though if you follow them through many of them have to do
either with other issues outside the SB world (network, router, etc.) a
number of them have to do with Slimserver (now SqueezeCenter) and
setting up a PC-based musicc server.

In any case, I am most definitely NOT a programmer and the total amount
of 'fiddling' for me over the past several years has been quite minimal
(I went through all sorts of hijinks unrelated to SB when ripping my
extension CD collection.  But that's another story altogether...). 
Money was not an issue for me.  I did look carefuly at Sonos (having
been an early adopter with the late Audiotron) and just thought the SB
approach was better.

As long as your willing to do a miminal bit of problem-solving and
willing to avail yourself of the tremendous resources through this
forum you should end up a happy camper.

(btw, if you do go down this path you'll find a wealth of information
elsewhere in this forum on powered speakers and other multi-room ideas
with the SB)

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