ceejay;267598 Wrote: 
> I'm sure we've been here before, or is it deju vue all over again?  I
> think there is a clear need for a party-mode plugin which would disable
> all setting changes and only allow you to add tracks to the end of the
> playlist.  
> Have access through the web UI (password protected) for "fixing" the
> playlist when someone has lined up 16 consecutive plays of The Birdy
> Song.
> For extra credit, have configuration options in the plugin to allow the
> use of the "play" (ie wipe playlist) button when you have a well-trained
> (sober!) group visiting.
> For extra extra credit, hide all of the unnecessary menu options.
> Maybe even allow configuration settings to hide certain genres
> completely (I know, I've probably gone too far here).
> Would the NoSetup plugin be a good place to start?

Sounds more like a skin than a plugin.  Maybe a plugin could do it in
the remote interface, but I'm guessing the best that could be done in
the web interface would be to render the 'play' controls inactive
rather than hiding them.


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