I am not opposed to criticism, as long as it is civil and polite.  If
I told one of my coworkers that the program they wrote sucks, or that
it was a poorly implemented pipe dream, I think it would be considered
rude.  If I instead gave a reasoned explanation of weaknesses in their
code, I don't think that would be considered impolite, particularly if
is was accompanied by suggestions to improve it.

I am struggling to understand why it's important to be able to say
"The Squeezebox sucks" or "Is this just a poorly implemented pipe
dream".  If the poster is trying to point out flaws in the product, or
ask for help, or suggest improvements, then it seems ANY of those
goals would be better accomplished by being polite about it.

Yes, people feel the need to vent when they are angry.  But part of
being a mature adult is learning when to control those impulses.

All just my opinion, of course.

On Feb 12, 2008 3:50 PM, MrSinatra
> no, not at all!  i was quoting you to make and expand on that point to
> others, basically the people agreeing with the OP, and i definitely
> agree on profanity and flaming, its just that "criticism" is very
> broad...  what i see as constructive someone else might be offended by.
> i just get the feeling that some here think "sucks" is beyond the pale,
> and thats what i consider orwellian.
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