I think you need to slap your forehead with the heel of your hand and
using your best Homer Simpson voice, let out a big "Doh!"

The Slimdevices products are not yet Homer Simpson proof.  Even though
they look really simple because they don't have any buttons to push or
knobs to turn, they are still sophisticated devices with many possible
options and settings.  Yes, a little thing like DRM buried in a file
format can keep the device from playing a file.

Maybe some sort of error message that says the "file is unplayable" or
is crippled with DRM can be added.  Hmmm.  Where would you read the
message?  Maybe on the SB3 display...  Should it stop displaying the
music that is "now playing" to display the error message?  What about
the SBR?  The web interface maybe... but who runs that all the time?  
OOh oooh!  I know! Put a canned audio message into the library that
says "Bill Gates doesn't want you to play this file without paying
him".  But maybe that would be sort of sucky if you just want to hear
music.  Hmmm.  Maybe the best thing is to just skip over unplayable
files.  Wait, isn't that what it already does?


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