Dekker22;268815 Wrote: 
> It seems most posters on here work for the company and/or have a obvious
> vested interest in the slim device.
> However, the failure to take constructive crticisim without  taking
> offense is pretty off putting for a non-geek end user.

Bearing in mind the size of slim devices I would doubt that even a
small percentage of forum users work for them (I don't)

Dekker22;268815 Wrote: 
> We are only stating what we find to be wrong with the dumb box.

Dumb?.....I think you need to explain this in more detail.

Dekker22;268815 Wrote: 
> The range for reception states 100 meters. This is stretching the truth
> quite a bit. The limit of mine (and I mean line of sight) is no more
> than 30 meters. 

All wireless devices have extremely variable reception distances, in an
ideal world with perfect atmospheric conditions you may get 100m, in the
real world with an average router (bearing in mind that the output from
the router determines the distance achevable) 30m sounds low but not

Dekker22;268815 Wrote: 
> After the second day the barely useable GUI went beserk during playing
> and started to flash squares lines and dots. It then stopped the music
> (which put a downer on an otherwise great afternoon around the pool.

Report it to slimdevices, have you been able to recreate this "berserk"

Dekker22;268815 Wrote: 
> When creating playlists in windows media player slimserver fails to scan
> name changes and continues to post "untitled playlists" even though they
> were renamed days ago.

I don't use WMP so can't comment

Dekker22;268815 Wrote: 
> All of my wma tracks and albums are not seen by slimserver. THis is
> pretty off putting as it leaves great holes in my pre-edited
> playlists.
> When it works it's fine. But at present the jury is still out.

AFAIK the SB3 and SS/SC will only play non-DRM lossy WMA files.

Are your WMA files either DRMed? or lossless? 

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3 SB3s - Linn  - Acoustat - AudioEngine 2 - Cambridge Audio 640R - 
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