Mark Lanctot;269822 Wrote: 
> I'm picturing that the IRBlaster plugin could kind of be extended to
> cover this.  The codes and actions are already defined in your .conf
> file.  IRBlaster includes a GUI to program actions in order and a time
> delay between actions.
> Without being a programmer myself (heh) what I'd picture is an SC
> plugin GUI just like the current IRBlaster GUI where you'd map out
> actions and delays, and a button that writes these commands to a script
> that gets sent to the SBC.
> There would be another plugin on the SBC that would activate this
> pre-generated script on command.  Just point the SBC at the equipment.
> The SBC isn't really suitable to send individual IR commands like a
> true universal remote (not enough buttons) but a series of commands
> following a pre-arranged script, probably!  The SC IRBlaster plugin GUI
> would be perfect for this - doing it on the SBC would be incredibly
> clunky.

Hey there Mark.  Haven't chatted with you in a long while cuz your
initial advice on my SB3 setup was so good I have not needed to bother
you further!    :)

Most of what you typed above is completely lost on me (being the
epitome of the technologically challenged).   *rubs eyes*   But I'm
gathering that at some point, when the proper plug-in is written, I
could (possibly) accomplish my goal of simple AVR control via IR from
within the SBC.  Correct?

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