tamanaco wrote:
> I love these discussions on network security... Some of my thoughts...
> - Don't spend $0.26 worth of time/money to protect $0.25
> - The weakest link to your valuables is probably "not" the technology
> you're using to protect your wireless network.
> Perspective for the paranoid... "most" people pay thier bills with a
> check via regular mail... they're leaving their names, bank names, bank
> account numbers and signatures in the middle of the street protected by
> a bit of saliva... How secure is that? 
> The best computer security hackers I've known have been very good
> dumpster surfers. Believe me... they know how hard it is to crack a WPA
> key.

Got me there. I think I must've printed and discarded my wpa key several 
times so monitoring my trash for a month or so would've been enough! 
I'll change my key key straight away and eat any future printouts. ;)


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