On 11-Mar-08, at 12:59 AM, haunyack wrote:
> Do you think 8+ days & three email attempts is insufficient effort on
> my part?

no, I think it is entirely expected that a response should be had in  
that time. It is also not hard to believe that several things can get  
in the way of that when it's just email.  It's all a matter of  
priority.  If this matters to you, which it clearly does, phone is  
much more direct.

Case in point: before Christmas, I had an issue with an order from  
BestBuy here in canada.  They had shipped, but Canada Post showed no  
activity two weeks after the ship date. Two more weeks of emailing and  
nothing.  Then after my three attempts at making email contact...I had  
nothing.  Three days later, I got two automated acknowledgements of my  
first two emails and a response to the third stating that a trace had  
been put on the package and I'd have further info in 10 days. No idea  
why it took so long, or why it all came at once, but I was on vacation  
so didn't care to do much more than email.  Had I returned home with  
still no response, a trip to the local store was the plan.

Clearly your desired result is to get a nice new remote for your  
customer.  It is in your customer's best interests that you be patient  
and let this thread work through to the right people, or take every  
measure available to you to make direct contact in order to achieve  
your desired result.  Walking away in anger may seem right, right now,  
but it doesn't server your customer.

I'm sure it's all going to work out ok.
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