Thanks Phil, yes, I think we're on the same wavelength.  I too had
considered changing the tag gains to 0dB, but haven't yet got round to
testing it (didn't have a good tag editor for a start - most don't seem
to allow gain editing!).  SMST's suggestion to kill the gain tags is
even better.  I eventually found a version of foobar2k that supposedly
works under Win2k, and will try to install/test it over the next few

Y360, my virtual memory was/is  set at a little over 6GB; should be

Robin, I'm running lots of other stuff on my music 'server' - it's my
'work' PC (I work from home) running Outlook, Skype, ZoneAlarm, POW,
and various other applications (IE6, Word, programming
environments/compilers, etc) as the need arises.  But I don't run any
anti-virus/spyware background tasks (they slow the PC too much). 
ZoneAlarm would be the main background cycle-stealer, with POW coming
into play when I run IE6.

SC is started automatically at boot-up from the Startup directory.  I
did notice that if I stop SS/SC before I reboot, the startup
'thrashing' time is much reduced, but I'll have to do some more tests
to quantify this (I can't right now; I'm in the middle of a big
processing job).  I found this disappointing too - I would have thought
SC would shut down correctly when commanded by Windows, without me
having to manually intervene.  To me, anything in the System Tray can
be ignored during shutdown - only programs in the Taskbar should be
first closed (especially Outlook, which suffers from the same problem
if not closed before rebooting - probably validating its .pst file
which wasn't properly closed).

Erland, my apologies!  I probably looked late at night and just looked
at the main (central) page content.  I've downloaded the 2 plugins now,
and will read the wikis when I have more time, to decide whether to
instal and try your additions.

This is absolutely no reflection on Erland and the many other people
who have contributed to the Slim product, but I tend to shy away from
products that need lots of 'add-ons' to make them work properly.  I
guess I've been 'conditioned' by the many commercial products that you
just install and they do (more or less) what they're supposed to, so
I'm not used to products that have grown like topsy from a band of
enthusiasts, and are still (effectively) in development.  But we're
slowly getting there!

SMST, you've made some great suggestions about special tags for
surround tracks - I heartily agree.  Indeed, I'd like to see it go one
step further and include a new gain tag (perhaps call it 'SurrGain'?)
that is NOT used by replay gain players, but is broadcast (when it's
present) along with the file header at the start of each track.  [I
know nothing about how SC 'broadcasts' the music stream via Wi-Fi, but
I'm assuming there's some sort of 'header' sent at the start of each
track, with the tag info etc).  With such a SurrGain tag, I could (when
I learn how to program network-aware DOS applications) reprogram my
DOS6.22 touch PC that controls most functions of my (overly complex)
surround system.  It could then adjust my system's 'pre-volume' so that
the DTS tracks sounded the same loudness as the replay-gain-adjusted
stereo tracks.  Of course I would need to empirically determine the
values and tag the SurrGain for each album, but with only a few dozen
DTS CDs, that wouldn't be arduous.

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